Training is difficult. FunnyPolling made our training 100% more engaging
Lyna Smith Williams - Sales and Training, Grainger
Funny Polling is the art and science of focus and engagement aiding the 92 million distracted Ho-hum meetings that occur every day.
Building focused teams, and better conversations
Coming soon! For proprietary reasons, we can't share this yet. If you're interested in our content, please contact us at help@funnypolling.com. We do reply.
Welcome to Funnypolling of the week
Small Dogs Opinion?
All funny polls are 100% private and meaningless...
Unless you tell someone.
There’s something for everyone...
For anyone who wants more teamwork and spark in their environment
Specialized for those who want to make future experts laugh through thinking
Whether you want to lead or just share data, this deck will make numbers prettier
Whether you are curious about our packs or have a clear vision in mind, we would love to hear from you! If you wish to partner with us in any way, just click the button below and we can talk business!